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University Makes Public Pitch for Achieving $200 Million Fundraising Goal

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University leaders say they are going public with the goal of completing a first-of-its-kind $200 million fundraising effort for scholarships, research, and other priorities.

The University of Alaska Have Raised $135 Million so Far

Though the “for Alaska” campaign officially started off March 25, the University of Alaska officials have been discreetly raising money, approximately $135 million over the past five years. This going toward their aim of $200 million, according to UA Foundation President Tod Burnett.

Increasing Access to Education in the State and More

Not related to the system’s ever-worsening budget challenges. Burnett said about the campaign. In fact, it is focusing on advancing the system’s ability to increasing access to education in the state. To train a skilled workforce. Thereby, lead Arctic research and also support economic development.

Moreover, it’s something UA should do in spite of its budget situation. Therefore, it should continue to support its students, Burnett said.

“This is being made public because we are trying to get to the finish line fast,” Burnett said. “This concept is very common in the fundraising realm.”

16,000 Donors Have Contributed

Collecting gifts from roughly 16,000 donors, there is in fact been a learning curve for campaign managers. It is the first broad-based donation drive this system has taken, he said. Moreover, larger-scale fundraising is what major universities do notably to beef up their endowments and scholarship offerings.

Going to the Next Level

“In fact, the University of Alaska should be no different than every other prestigious institution. That is public or private, across the nation,” Burnett said. “Part of the campaigns like this one is taking us to the next level.”

UA Foundation

To assist the development teams at each of the three main campuses in the UA Foundation role. Is what they seek out and manage the gifts they receive, he said. $433 is what the foundation managed for the UA System. It was at the end of 2020. They distributed $16.2 million in student and program support over the year.

$8.4 Million to the University System

Via an email Rasmuson spokeswoman Lisa Demer wrote that the foundation has donated $8.4 million to the university system. It has been going on since the “for Alaska” campaign began. $5 million has been directed toward the popular Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program in Anchorage.

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